Me at the berg with at least thirty other penguins got a very cool stamp! ;)

If you look below you'll see some drastic changes to the map of Club Penguin. This is a very old one. Do you like it? Comment below!
The Snow Forts are here just behind the Petshop and to the right of the Ice Rink.
Thanks to a penguin named Truman123456 and some others, we can now play a uncompleted version of the removed Penguin Chat 3!

Today we are talking about members, how and for how long did you become a member? Why do you like to be a member? I know why I do, but do you? Comment below!
Club penguin has fixed the pin and items issue! It took them 3 days?! Can YOU BELIEVE THIS?!? Me either.
Let me know of any other bugs you guys can find and I will help you guys report them into the main headquarters so they can fix them!!
 Comment below if you have something to say!!!
 Thanks guys! 
Yellow26dude O_o



    Hi, I'm Josiah and this is my Club Penguin site! Please enjoy and try not to get bored (I know there is quite a few of these sites around.)


    March 2011

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